Sunday, 16 December 2012


Universities listed below are as per their state and in alphabetical order. Hope this information is useful to all. Don’t exactly depend on the GRE and backlogs mentioned here. They waive off your GRE/backlogs if u have a good academic. Number of backlogs and TOEFL Scores are approximate. Kindly ignore this post, if someone dislike.


1 Auburn University- Auburn 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
2 Troy University- Troy LOW LOW LOW 10+
3 Alabama agricultural & 900-990 71-79 60% 4- 6
mechanical University-Huntsville
4 University of Alabama - Birmingham 1000-1100 80 65% 1-2
5 University of Alabama - Huntsville 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
6 University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa 1000-1100 79-85 70% 0

7 University of South Alabama - Mobile 1000 71-79 60% 5


1 Arizona state University - Tempe 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students , GRE centric information assurance graphic information tech ms eng
Embedded systems)
2 Arizona state University - 1000-1100 80 70% 0
( Poly Technique campus- Mesa)
3 University of Arizona - Tucson 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA,GA: Assistantship)


1 Arkansas state University - Jones boro 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
2 Arkansas Tech University- Russellville 900-990 79 60% 3-5
( information technology)
3 University Of Arkansas - Fayetteville 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
4 University Of Arkansas - Little Rock(MIS) 900-990 79 60% 3-5


1 California State University - Chico 900-1000 79 65% 5
eng comp sc and tech
2 California State University - Fresno 900-1000 70 70% 5
3 California State University - East Bay 900 79 60% 7
4 California State University - Fullerton 900-990 79 60% 3-5
5 California State University - Long Beach 1000-1100 80 65% 2
6 California State University - Los Angeles 1200 90 70% 0
7 California State University - Northridge 900 71-79 60% 3
(offers MS Industrial automation)
8 California State University - Sacramento 1000 90 70% 3
9 San Jose state University - San Jose 1000 90 60% 2
(wants all the mark sheets)
10 San Diego State University - San Diego 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
(WES analysis generally requires biochemical computing)
11 San Francisco State University - San Francisco 900-990 79 60% 3-5
12 Golden Gate University - San Francisco 900 70 60% 7
13 Layola Marymount University - Los Angles 800 60 50% 10
14 National University - La Jolla 800-900 71-79 55% 3-5
15 California institute of Technology - Pasadena 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
16 Stanford University - San Jose 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
17 University of California - Berkeley 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
18 University of California - Davis 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
19 University of California - Irvine 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)

20 University of California - Los Angeles 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
21 University of California - Riverside 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
22 University of California - San Diego 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
23 University of California - Santa Barbara 1200-1400 90-100 70% 0
(Top 50, Expensive, High admit rate)
24 University of Southern California - Los Angles 1200-1400 90-100 70% 0
(Top 50, Expensive, High admit rate several options in management of engineering)
25 University of Pacific - Stockton 1100 80 70% 0
(Computer science Ms -gaming tech,robotics,mutimedia and creative tech computer
networks, compute security)
26 Santa Clara university Santa Clara 900-1000 80 65% 1-2


1 Colorado School of Mines - Golden 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA,GA: Assistantship)
2 Colorado State University- Fort Collins 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
3 Colorado Technical University - Colorado Springs 900-990 71-79 60% 4 -6
4 Colorado Technical University- Denver 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
(computational maths /Bio chemical computing)
5 University of Colorado - Boulder 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
6 University of Colorado - Colorado Springs 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
7 University of Colorado - Denver 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
8 University of Denver - Denver 1000 79 60% 5
9 University of Northern Colorado - Greeley

10 Regis University - Denver


1 Fairfield University - Fairfield 800 79 55% 10
2 Sacred Heart University - Fairfield low low low 7
3 University of Bridgeport - Bridgeport 300 79 60% 4
4 University of New Heaven - New heaven 900 79 60% 7
5 Quinnipiac University - Hamden 900 79 60% 1
(robotics, operating systems etc)
6 University of Connecticut 1100-1200 80 70% 0
7 Yale University - New Heaven 1400 100 75-80% 0

(low admits)


1 University of Delaware - Newark 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
2 Wilmington University - New Castle


1 Florida Atlantic University - Bocaraton
2 Florida Institute of Technology - Melborn 900-1000 79 60% 3-5
3 Florida International University - Miami 1000 79 65% 5
4 Florida State University - Tallahassee 1000 79 65% 1-2
5 Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University - Tallahassee 900-1000 79 60% 2-5
6 University of Miami - Coral Gables
7 University of Florida - Gaines ville 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students/ Fee Waiver)
8 University of Central Florida – Orlando 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
9 University of West Florida - Pensacola 1000-1100 79 60% 2-3
10 University of South Florida - Tampa 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2


1 University of Georgia - Athens 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
2 Georgia State University - Atlanta 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
3 Georgia Institute Of Technology - Atlanta 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
4 Columbus State University - Columbus
5 Southern Polytechnic State University – Marietta


1 Idaho State University - Pocatello 1100-1200 80 70% 1-2
2 Boise State University - Boise 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
3 University of Idaho - Moscow 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2


1 Indiana University - Bloomington 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
2 Indiana State University - Terrehaute 900 -1050 79 50% 3
3 Butler University - Indiana Polis 1000 80 65%
4 Purdue University Calumet - Hammond 1000 80 65%
5 Purdue University - West lafayette 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)


1 Illinoise Institute of Techonology - Chicago 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
2 Illinoise State University - Normal 1000 79 65% 1-2
3 Northern Illinois University - Dekalb 1100-1200 79-85 70% 2
4 Southern Illinois University (Carbondale) 1000 79 65% 1-2
5 University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
6 University of Illinois at Springfield 900-990 79 60% 3-5
7 University of Illinois – Chicago 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
8 Governor's State University - University Park 1000 79 65% 1-2
9 Western Illinois University - Macomb 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
10 Depaul University - Chicago 1000 80 60% 2-3
11 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 1000-1100 80 60-70% 5-6
12 Loyala University - Chicago 800 70 55% 10
13 Bradley University - Peoria 1000 79 65% 1-2


1 Iowa State University of Science & Technology - Ames 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
2 University of Iowa - Iowa 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)


1 Kansas state University - Manhattan 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship AWA of 4.0)
2 University of Kansas - Lawrence 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship/ Fee waiver)
3 Wichita State University - Wichita 1000 71-79 60% 3


1 Murray State University - Murray 900 80 55% 6
2 University of Kentucky - Lexington 1000-1200 90 70% 0
(Fee waiver)
3 Western Kentucky university - Bowling Green 1000-1200 90 66% 1-2
4 Northern Kentucky University - High land heights 800-900 71-79 55% 3-5


1 Louisiana State University , Batanrouge 1100-1200 90 70% 0
2 University of New Orleans New Orleans 900-990 79 60% 3-5
3 Louisiana Technology University Ruston 1070 79 65% 1-2
4 McNeese State University - Lake Charles 1000 71-79 60% 3
5 Tulane University - New Orleans 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
6 University of Louisiana at Lafayette 1000-1050 80 60-70% 5-6


1 University Of Maine - Orono 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0


1 John Hopkins University - Baltimore 1200-1400 90-100 70% 0
(Top 50, Expensive, High admit rate)
2 Towson University – Towson 900 80 55% 5
(WES required)
3 University of Maryland - Baltimore 1100 80 70% 1-2
4 University of Mary Land - College Park 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)


1 Suffolk University - Boston 800 60 55% 10
2 University of Massachusetts - Dart Mouth 1100-1000 79 65% 1-2
3 University of Massachusetts - Boston 1100-1000
4 University of Massachusetts - Amherst 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)

5 University of Massachusetts - Lowell 1100 80 65% 2
(Bio-Informatic Computing)
6 Tufts University - Med fort 1000 80 65%
7 Harward University – Cambridge
8 Worcester Polytechnique Institute - Worcester 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
9 Massachusetts Institute Of Technology - Cambridge 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
10 Boston University - Boston 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0


1 Eastern Michigan University - Ypsilanti 1000 79 65% 5-6
2 Grand Valley University - Allendale 1000 71-79 60% 3
3 Lawrence Technological University - South Field 800-900 71-79 55% 3-5
4 Michigan State University.- East Lancing 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
5 Michigan Technology University.- Houghton 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
6 University of Detroit Mercy - Detroit 800 70 50% 10
(NO GRE & TOEFL required)
7 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
8 University of Michigan - Dearborn 1000 80 65% 2-4
9 University of Michigan – Flint 1000 79 65% 4-6
(GRE not mandatory)
10 Central Michigan University - Mount Pleasant 1000 79 65% 1-2
11 Wayne State University - Detroit 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
12 Western Michigan University.- Kalamazoo 1000 80 60% 4-6
13 Ferris state University- BigRapids 900-1000(awa 2.5) 64 60% 4-6


1 St .Cloud State University - St. Cloud 1000 80 60% 4-6
2 University of Minnesota - Duluth 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
3 University of Minnesota - Twin cities 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)


1 Mississippi State University - Mississippi State 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
2 University of Mississippi - Ole 1100 80 70% 1-2
3 University of Southern Mississippi - Hattiesburg 900-990 79 60% 3-5


1 University of Missouri - Columbia 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
2 University of Missouri - Kansas city 1000-1100 90 70-75% 0
(Fee waiver)
3 Missouri University of Sciences & Technology - Rolla 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
4 University of Missouri - St. Louis 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
5 Saint Louis University - St. Louis 900 80 60% 4-6
6 Northwest Missouri State University - Maryville 1000 79 65% 1-2
7 Washington University, St. Louis 1100 80 65% 1-2


1 Montana State University - Bozeman 1000 80 60% 4-6
2 University of Montana - Missoula 1000 80 60% 4-6


1 University of Nebraska–Lincoln 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0

2 University of Nebraska - Omaha 900-990 79 60% 3-5


1 University of Nevada - Las Vegas 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
2 University of Nevada - Reno 1100 80 65% 1-2

New Hampshire

1 Southern New Hampshire University - Manchester 800 70 55 10+
2 University of New Hampshire - Durham 900-1000 90-100 60% 1-2
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)

New Jersey

1 Monmouth University - West Long Branch 900-990 79 60% 3-5
2 Princeton University - Princeton 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
3 Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metro Polyton Campus 900-990 79 60% 3-5
(Fee waiver) & Tea Neck Campus
4 New Jersey Institute of Technology - Newark 1000 70 55% 10+
5 Rutgers University, New Brunswick 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
6 Stevens Institute of Technology - Hoboken 1100 80 70% 2-3

New Mexico

1 University of New Mexico - Albuquerque 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
2 New Mexico Institute of Mining - Socorro 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
& Technology
3 New Mexico State University – Las cruces 1100 79 65% 1-2

New York

1 City College of the City University of New York 1000 71-79 60% 3
2 Clarkson University – Potsdam 1100 80 70% 0
3 Cornell University – Ithaca 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
4 Coloubia University - New York 1400 100+
(low admit)
5 Long Island University - Brooklyn 800 70 55% 10+
6 Long Island University -, Brook Ville 800 70 55% 10+
(C.W. Post Campus)
7 New York Institute of Technology - West Bury 900-990 79 60% 3-5
(GRE not required)
8 Polytechnic Institute of New York – Brooklyn 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
9 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Troy 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
10 Rochester Institute of Technology – Rochester 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
11 St. Johns University - Queens 800 70 55% 5+
12 SUNY - Albany (State University of New York-Suny) 1000 79 65% 1-2
13 SUNY - Binghamton 1100 80 65% 1-2
14 SUNY - Buffalo 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
15 SUNY - Stony Brook 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
16 SUNY – New Paltz 1000 71-79 60% 4-6
17 Institute of Technology at UTICA 1050 79 60% 3-5
18 Syracuse University - Syracuse 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
19 University of Rochester – Rochester 1250 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)

North Carolina

1 North Carolina State University - Durham 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
2 East Carolina University - Green Ville
3 University of North Carolina - Chapell Hill 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
4 University of North Carolina - Charlotte 1150 100 66%
5 University of North Carolina - Green Boro 1000 80 65%
6 University of North Carolina – Willmington
7 North Carolina Technical & Agricultural University - Greens Boro

North Dakota

1 North Dakota State University - Fargo 1000 79 65% 1-2
2 University of North Dakota - Grand forks 1000-1100 90 65-70% 0
(Fee waiver)


1 Bowling Green State University - Bowling Green
2 Case Western Reserve University - Cleve Land 1200-1400 90-100 70%
(Top 50, Expensive, High admit rate)
3 Cleveland State University - Cleve Land 1000 79 65% 1-2
4 Kent State University - Kent 1000 79 65% 2-4
5 Ohio State University Columbus 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
6 Ohio University - Athens 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
7 University of Akron - Akron 1100 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA,GA:Assistantship)
8 University of cincinnati - Cincinatti 1100-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric/ Fee Waver)
9 Uinversity of Dayton - Dayton 1100 80 70%(MUST) 1-2
10 University of Findlay - Findlay low low low 5-10
11 University of Toledo - Toledo 1000-1300 90 70-75% 0
(Fee waiver)
12 Wright state University – Dayton 1050 90 65% 1-2


1 Oklahoma State University, Still water 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
2 Oklahoma State University, Tulsa 1100 80 65%
3 Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City 800 60 55% 10+
(GRE not mandatory)
4 University of Tulsa – Tulsa 1000 79 65% 1-2
5 University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond 1000 79 60% 2-4

6 University of Oklahoma, Norman 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2


1 Oregon State University – Corvallis 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
2 Port land State University - Port Land 1000 80 70%
3 Pacific University - Forest Grove
4 University of Oregon – Eugene 1200 80 70%


1 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania bloomsburg
2 Carnegie Mellon University - Pits Burgh 1200-1400 90-100 70%
(Top 50, Expensive, High admit rate)
3 Drexel University - Philedelphia 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
4 Gannon University - Erie 900-990 71-79 60% 4-6
5 Pennsylvania State University - University Park 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects) - State College
6 Saint Joseph's University - Philadelphia 800-900 71-79 55% 3-5
7 Temple University – Philadelphia 1100 100 65% 2-3
8 University of Pennsylvania -Philadelphia 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
9 University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
10 Villanova University - Villanova 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2


1 Island Brown University - Providence 1100 80 70%
2 University of Rhode Island - Kingston 1100 80 70% 1-2

South Carolina

1 Clemson University - Clemson 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
2 University of South Carolina (Columbia) 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)

South Dakota

1 South Dakota State University – Brookings 1000 79 65% 1-2
2 Dakota University –Madison 800 80 55% 3-4
(Information systems)


1 Middle Tennessee State University - Murfreesboro 1000 80 60% 2-4
2 Tennessee Technological University-Cookeville 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
3 University of Memphis - Memphis 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
(WES required)
4 Tennessee State University - Nashville 1000 80 65%
5 University of Tennessee – Chattanooga 900-990 79 60% 3-5
6 University of Tennessee - Knoxville 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
7 Vanderbilt University - Nashville 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)


1 Mid Western State University - Wichitha falls
2 Rice University - Houston 1200-1400 90-100 70%
(Top 50, Expensive, High admit rate)
3 Texas A & M University - College Station 1400 100 GPA-3.7/4.0 0
(Top 40, Low Admit/International students)
4 Texas A & M University – Commerce 1000 71-79 60% 3
5 Texas A & M University - Corpus Christi 1000 80 65%
6 Texas A & M University - Kingsville(Quant 650) 900-990 79 60% 3-5
7 Texas A & M University - Laredo 900-1000 79 60% 3-5
8 Texas State University - San Marcos 1000 79 60% 3-4
(WES may be required)
9 Baylor University - Waco 900-1000 79 60% 4-5

10 Lamar University - Baumont 1000+ 79 60% 3-5
(Fee waiver)
11 Texas Tech University – Lubbock 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
(Fee waiver)
12 University of Houston - Main Campus - Houston 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
13 University of Houston - Clear Lake 1050 79 65% 1-2
14 University of North Texas - Denton 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
15 University of Texas - Arlington 1050-1100 80 65% 2-3
16 University of Texas - Austin 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
17 University of Texas - Dallas 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0
18 University of Texas - El Paso 1000 79 65% 1-2
19 Texas southern university 900-1000 80 60% 1-2
(WES analysis)

20 University of Texas - San Antonio 1000 79 65%


1 University of Utah - Salt Lake University 1200 90-100 75% 0
(RA, TA, GA: Assistantship)
2 Utah State University - Logon 1200 90 75%


1 University of Vermont – Berlington 1100 80 70% 1-2


1 George Mason University - Fair Fax 1050-1150 80 60-70% 1-2
2 Old Dominion University - Norfolk 1050 80 65% 1-2

3 University of Virginia - Charletsville 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
4 Virginia Common Wealth University - Richmond 1100 80 70%
5 Virginia Polytechnic Institute - Black burg 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
& State University
(Indian students, GRE centric)


1 University of Washington - Seattle 1200-1300 90-100 70-75% 0
(Indian students, GRE centric)
2 Seattle University - Seattle
3 Washington State University – Pullman 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0

West Virginia

1 West Virginia University- Morgan Town 1100-1200 79-85 70% 0


1 Milwaukee School of Engineering – Milwaukee 1100 80 70% 1-2
2 University of Wisconsin - Madison 1200-1400 100+ GPA-4.0 0
(Topper+ Projects)
3 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 1100 80 70%
4 University of Wisconsin - Stout 1000 80 65% 2-4


1 University of Wyoming - Laramie 1100-1200 80 70%

*******************************ALL THE BEST*********************************

Friday, 14 December 2012


toefl stands for test for english as a foreign language.
It is an imporant exam if you want to pursue higher education in us,uk,australia,nw zealand,canada etc
 toefl has 4 sections
each of the above carries 30 marks and a total of 120 marks.
 Most of the universitys prefer scores above 79.
so you have to score a minimum of 21 in each section.

we indians face alot of problem in speaking and listening section but people i say its just rumour
anyone score above 80 easily provided you make a efficient and careful preparation.
i will post my experience and how to prepare.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

US University List based on TOEFL and IELTS minimum scores

     University                                                        TOEFL  IELTS
1                  Massachussets Institute of
    Technology                                                         90       6.5
2    Stanford University                                           100       7
3    University of California Berkeley                        68        7
4    University of Illinois –
      Urbana Champaign                                             79        7
5    Carnegie Mellon University                                 84-100  7
6    Georgia Technological University                       100
7    University of Texas Austin                                 79        6.5
8    University of Michigan Ann Arbor                     84        7
9    Cornell University                                             77         7
10   Purdue University                                           77         6.5
11    University of Southern California                    100       7
12   Texas A&M University                                    80        6
13   University of California San Diego                    80        7
14   California Technological University                  90
15   University of California,
                             Los Angeles                             87        7
16   Princeton University                                       71         7
17   University of Wisconsin Madison                   82        7
18   Columbia University                                       104       7.5
19   University of Maryland College Park             84        6.5
20 Pennsylvania State                                          100       6.5
21   Northwestern University                                 100       7
22   Virginia Tech                                                 80        6.5
23   University of Minnesota -Twin Cities              79        7
24 University of Washington                                 70        6.5
25   Ohio State University                                      79        7
26 University of Florida                                        80        6
27   Duke University                                              83        7
28 North Carolina State University                       80        6.5
29 University of Colorado Boulder                    79-100 6
30 University of California Irvine                          80        7
31   Arizona State University                                76        6
32   Iowa State University                                    79        5.5
33   Northeastern University                               79        7
34 University at Buffalo -SUNY                           79        6
35   University of Connecticut                               72         7
36 University of Illinois--Chicago                          80        7
37   Colorado State University                               60        5
38 Syracuse University                                         80        7
39 University of Texas Dallas                                80        6.5
40 Illinois Institute of Technology                          90        6.5
41   Clemson University                                       80        6.5
42 Tufts University                                               79        6
43 University of Central Florida                            80        6.5
44 University of Cincinnati                                    79        6
45 Santa Clara University                                     79
46 Mississippi State University                              79        6.5
47 University of North Carolina -
      Chappel Hill                                                    100       7
48 Washington State University                             65        5.5
49 Michigan Technological University                    79        6.5
50 University of Texas Arlington                            84        6.5
51   New Jersey Institute of Technology                79        6

52   Portland State University             71         6.5

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Total Cost of higher education in US in Rupees - MS, MBA and M Eng

This article will help you with the total cost of higher education in US. You can find the total cost for education based on the degree of graduation from US Universities – MS, MBA or MEng.

Total Expenditure for an MS degree in US Universities
The total cost of an MS degree from US Universities varies from University to University. You can find Universities in US with very high tuition fees and also very low tuition fees. To give you an approximate idea of the total expense for an MS degree in US, you can follow the following two extreme Universities – Stanford University and Michigan Technological University. All other US Universities total expenditure lies in between these two extreme costs.

Total 2 year cost of MS from Stanford University in rupees
USD ($)
Tuition fees (2 years)
Living expenses (2 years)
Other expenses(2 years)

Stanford University is located in the heart of Silicon Valley – California. The tuition fees as well as the living expenses at Stanford are very high. As shown in the above table, the total cost for completion of an MS degree from Stanford University without any financial aid, scholarship or assistantship is about Rs. 66 lakhs for the entire 2 year duration.

Total 2 year cost of MS from Michigan Technological University in rupees
USD ($)
Tuition fees (2 years)
Living expenses (2 years)
Other expenses(2 years)

Michigan Technological University is located at the northernmost area of USA in Michigan State. The tuition fees as well as the living expenses at MTU are very low. As shown in the above table, the total cost for completion of an MS degree from Michigan Technological University without any financial aid, scholarship or assistantship is about Rs. 24 lakhs for the entire 2 year duration.

On an average, total cost for the entire 2 year course of MS from a decent US University is roughly 30-40 lakhs. For list of top 10 US Universities sorted according to lowest tuition fees, read this article: List of top 10 most economical US Universities. For list of top 10 US Universities sorted according to highest tuition fees, read this article: List of top 10 most expensive US Universities

Total Expenditure for an M.Eng degree in US Universities
All the US Universities have started offering an alternative professional Engineering program called M.Eng to the traditional MS. The following is the total expenditure for an M.Eng at Cornell University.

Total 1 year cost of M.Eng from Cornell University in rupees
USD ($)
Tuition fees (1 year)
Living expenses (1 year)
Other expenses(1 year)

The one year duration of M.Eng is an ideal option for job aspirants in US as you complete your degree in just 1 year. But the tuition fees are at par with the tuition fees of a full time MS degree program.

Total Expenditure for an MBA degree in US Universities
MBA is one of the most sought after degrees in the world and an MBA degree from US Universities will shine out in your resume. The cost of an MBA degree is very high. The tuition fees for MBA from a US University are high. Typically a decent University charges about $40000 for MBA in US for one year.

Total 2 year cost of full time MBA from Harvard Business School in rupees
USD ($)
Tuition fees (2 years)
Living expenses (2 years)
Other expenses(2 years)

As seen from the above table, a full time MBA degree from Harvard University can cost you up to 75 lakhs of rupees.  For list of top 100 B-schools in US sorted according to highest tuition fees, read this article: Top

Research opportunities during and after higher education from US Universities

One of the distinguishing factors about American higher education is the immense research potential and research opportunities in United States.

Research in USA – A brief overview
Ever since World War II, when a lot of Jews scholars migrated to US from Europe, American government has given top priority to research and related activities in USA. As a result USA boasts maximum number of patents, scientific innovations and discoveries than any other country in the world. Right from basic machines to highly integrated chips, health care to insurance, agriculture to environmental studies, US Universities carry out research in all the fields and offer courses for education in all these fields. The US Universities receive federal grants as well as royalty based income which are again invested in research. Couple it with some of the finest alumni over the past 100 years; the US Universities are truly rich in financial as well as scholarly resources. It would not be wrong to say that US has the best research opportunities in the world.

Complete autonomy of US Universities
The US Universities enjoy full autonomy to decide the course structure and syllabi and there is no interference from the US government in any of the US activities. As a result, the US Universities align their courses and study pattern with respect to latest technological innovations and research options. The US Universities, therefore, have a much more practical and research oriented education which targets the base of learning. The autonomy right from the selection procedure, research projects, labs, investments, internships, placements, syllabi, exams and coursework helps the University and the students considerably. This autonomy boosts research activities as students learn the latest technologies and utilise them for further innovations.

Research in US Universities helps provide financial assistance
US Universities provide scholarships or assistantships to international students who have research potential. If one is interested in contributing to the research activities carried out by the US University that he intends to study, the professor in charge of the research has the power to appoint such a person as research assistant. The benefits of RA are immense. One gets to learn the basics of research and excel in the field of research. Secondly, he receives fee waiver for his contribution to the research work. The research work provides the student with a strong foundation which will help him pursue PhD with full assistance. If you have a research oriented mindset and are willing to work hard, your financial problems will be taken care of.

List of top 10 US Universities for Engineering with very high acceptance rate

The following table enlists the top 10 US Universities having very low acceptance rates for Engineering admissions. All these Universities are ranked in the top 50 US Universities for engineering programs.

Acceptance rate
Engineering rank
Illinois Institute of Technology
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University of Texas Arlington
Arizona State University
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Texas Dallas
University of Central Florida
Michigan Technological University
Tufts University
University of North Carolina - Chappel Hill

The acceptance rates of the Universities is based on the ratio of the number of admits given and the number of applicants to the particular University . Hence, the figures mentioned are only an indication of the percentage of students admitted. If a University has large number of seats and number of applications are less, naturally, its acceptance ratio will be very very high.