1.) Book your exam date for New revised GREwell in advance to ensure that you get the desired date, center and time slot , this way you can concentrate more on studies.
2.) Try to get the Barron’s New GRE book, Kaplan New GRE book and solve as many exercise problems as possible and then take some practice GRE tests provided by ETS Power prep software and various other resources.
3.) Power Prep software is the official testingsoftware of GRE given by the GRE official company ETS, so in that take the 1st test and based on that score, start preparing toward your weakest parts of GRE .
4.) In the last 3-4 days try to take the Test-prep 2nd test and this way you could estimate the range of your score.
5.) In the Last few days, don’t start anything new. This will make your GRE worse.
6.) Don’t try to become the King in Overnight,so please do not prepare for GRE in the Last night, Take rest.
7.) Don’t Worry too much of your exam, which by the way increase your temper and so try to remain calm and composed on the test date. Just treat this as any other exam. Donot take it lightly, and do not over strain yourself.
8.) No negative marks- so try to guess as many unknown question as possible, rather than leaving it blank.
9.) Utilize the breaks in between the different sections effectively, to relax yourself and it would help you to concentrate more for the next section.
10.) In this new GRE there are 5-6 sections as specified in my previous posts, you have:
*. 1 analytical writing section with 2 tasks ofissue and Argument essay.
*. 2 GRE verbal sections with 20 questions ineach section.
*. 2 GRE Quantitative sections with 20 q questions in each section.
*. 1 experimental section of either GRE verbal or GRE Quantitative section.
11.) In case if you are very sensitive to minordisturbances, then utilize the headphone provided to absorb the undesired sounds caused during your exam.
12.) Try to utilize your given time effectively; don’t spend too much time on a single question, time management is the key to your success, so split-up your time accordingly.
13.) All the questions carry equal marks, try to utilize the time effectively.
14.) Double check your questions, as most ofthe GRE questions have some minor traps in it and answer accordingly.
15.) Don't try to guess your experimental section, because you may end up wrong, so treat all the sections equally.
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